What is a Code Compliance Retrofitter?

There are a few types of retrofitters, but here we speak of code compliance retrofitters, not seismic (earthquake) building or foundation retrofitters, which work on buildings to make them safe in an earthquake.

A code compliance retrofitter is a qualified, state certified or licensed dis-interested third party certifying that certain jurisdictional (city, county and/or state) and governmental code compliance items are present and working for contract purposes when selling or buying a property in California.

Why? Code compliance is intended to make property safe for buyers, and to cover the sellers liability in case of buyer loss, injury or death after the close of escrow. Code compliance requirements are so important, they are embedded in the state of California RPA (Residential Purchase Agreement) when selling and buying a home.

Adherence to code compliance also protects all parties in the transaction including the real estate agents and their brokers. State of California Code compliance is not only practice and customary, but mandatory and required by state code.

A qualified code compliance retrofitter will be knowledgeable in the required and recommended code compliance items for all areas of Southern California. A qualified code compliance company will assist the agents and sellers in fulfilling their legal and ethical mandate in making properties safe for all new buyers. This in turn protects the liability of the seller also.

Why can’t a seller, buyer or agent just certify the items and save $$. Mostly because they are a party to the transaction with their own financial interests, and not considered a ‘dis-interested’ person, which may make a difference in a court of law if it came down to that. They also typically are not experts on the basics of the code compliance items. Most agents also do not know the exact requirements for every city or area in Southern California. It is always best to hire a specialist who is well versed in code compliance state codes.

If you have questions regarding retrofit and code compliance codes, call us at 310.800.4418.

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