What Exactly is Realtor Code Compliance Retrofitting in Los Angeles?

Simply put – the Los Angeles Municipal code Section 122.03 requires that the seller of residential property in the city of Los Angeles provide the buyer with a Certificate of Compliance (COC) stating that all applicable items have been retrofitted with the water saving devices specified in said code section. This code section applies only to the city of LA. This ordinance started in 1997. Other cities have their own code section, many of them are listed on this link here.

Today, code compliance retrofitting also includes state mandated safety items including smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, safety strapping of the water heater, and other state mandated code items. These items also apply on properties outside the city of LA so check with us on what is needed in your city or jurisdiction.

Here is a link of the items we look for during a retrofit code compliance inspection in the city of Los Angeles.

Call us with any questions you may have at 310.800.4418.

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