When selling a home in the city of West Hollywood, the following items should be checked by a independent third party retrofitter for full compliance. This ensures all parties, including sellers, agents and their brokers, will be covered in case of problems after the close of escrow.
West Hollywood is located in the county of Los Angeles. Homes in the city of West Hollywood require working smoke detectors in each bedroom, bedroom hallway, and on each floor. Smoke detectors can be either battery type or hard wired type in an attached or detached home. Guest units meant for sleeping also require a working smoke detector. Seismic earthquake valve on gas meter is required. Carbon monoxide detector on each level at least, and can be either battery type, hard wired type or plug in type. Hot Water heater tank must be double strapped. Tankless water heaters do not need to be strapped. Low flow toilets and showerhead in each bathroom.
City of West Hollywood code for earthquake shut off valves is here.

I have a West Hollywood 1920’s single family homeslisting going on the market soon. It’ll likely be an investor tear down purchase. Are retrofits still required? If so, Can buyer pay for retrofits if agreed upon?
Accept offer contingent on having seller have all code compliance work done – as its his responsibility – but have BUYER be responsible for payment of the work to be done. That way you and your office is covered liability wise in case it is not torn down.
Thank you.