City of Los Angeles LADWP Certificate of Compliance (COC) – Can An Agent Sign It?

Yes! An real estate agent can sign the LADWP Certificate of Compliance (COC), providing that:

  • The agent knows that all of the water fixtures are considered ‘compliant’ per city of LA current codes
  • The agent, or their broker, takess respnsibility if the fixtures are not.

Important: Just having the LADWP certificate signed by either a retrofitter or an agent does not make the Subject property code compliant

The City of Los Angeles’s LADWP certificate (located below) ONLY certifies the low flow water devices are present at the property. It does not apply to anything else. It is one part of the retrofit certificate, it is not the entirety of it.

Retrofitters will do a complete code compliance inspection, based on what is needed for that city. They will inspect the property in question to certify that the necessary code compliance items are present and in working order. Certification of items (ie smoke detectors, earthquake shut off valve, etc) are usually itemized on an retrofitting inspection report, proposal or invoice. There is no formal certificate that certifies that these code compliance items are compliant hence each retrofit company has their own format or form. Once complete, the report is sent to escrow and the ordering agent. The LADWP certificate is part of that inspection, and only for properties located in the city of Los Angeles.

This link here is a complete list of items that are certified to be present and working by a certified retrofitter for a full retrofit inspection. For the city of Los Angeles, a full inspection report includes the LADWP certificate below.

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