Yes! In order to determine if a property complies with the Los Angeles city or county code compliance requirements at the time of sale, a “Retrofit Inspection” is performed to determine if the property is compliant. This is usually done as a requirement for escrow, which is following what is agreed to in the purchase (RPA) agreement between the parties. If the property does not comply, then specific corrections are recommended so the property may become code compliant.
When completed, a Certificate of Compliance, or COC, is issued to escrow and is shared with all parties. This certificate is required by law, as well as helping to limit liability once escrow is closed.
Is it still required even if I am selling my house ‘as is’? Yes. Government rules and regulations come before an ‘as is’ designation of your sale.
Code compliance retrofitters do not do ‘seismic’ foundation retrofitting, nor do we bolt foundations and structures. We do not check slab foundations for cracks. Our inspection is a basic inspection to check to make sure the property is compliant and safe for the new buyer for the terms of a purchase contract.
Here is the list of items from the City of LA’s website of what is needed at a retrofit inspection.
Call us with any questions you may have at 310-800-4418.