City of Los Angeles Fourplex Retrofit (Code Compliance) Requirements When Selling

When selling a ‘four-plex‘ property in the city of Los Angeles, the following items must be certified as compliant for escrow purposes. The same items apply for five or more units (considered small to large sized apartments buildings) in the city of Los Angeles.

  • All toilets must be low flow meaning they flush 1.6 gallons per flush or less per flush.
  • Water heater tank(s) must be double strapped to prevent tip-over. Tankless water heaters do not need to be strapped.
  • Smoke detectors – Must be hard wired only. Must be in each bedroom and adjacent bedroom hallway. A working smoke detector must be on each level of the home if the home has multiple floors. Do not need to be inter-connected.
  • Carbon monoxide detectors – Must have a working CO or carbon monoxide detector on each level (at least) and in any sleeping room with a gas appliance.
  • Earthquake shut off valve – Must be installed on each gas meter if there is more than one meter. More information here.
  • Release latches on any security bars on bedroom windows where the window is the only means of exit if the bedroom door is blocked, must be installed and must be working.
  • Glass slider dooring must be glazed or have security film.

A ‘fourplex’ is defined by public records or title, and contains four units which may be either attached or detached to each other. Five unit (and above) properties are considered an apartment building in the city of Los Angeles, and the same 4-unit compliance items are required, as well as other items depending on the size of the entire property. Both the city of LA 9a report, and LADWP Certificate of Compliance, are also required to be completed for 4 and more unit buildings.

Smoke detectors with replaceable batteries vs detectors with 10 year batteries (non-replaceable)? Either are fine, and both types are considered ‘to code’ with the city of Los Angeles. Detectors with the 10 year non-replaceable ones are more expensive but less annoying.

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fourplex city of Los Angeles

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