Do you have a seismic earthquake shut off valve on your home and not sure if it is ‘to code’ or not in the city of LA? Here are three simple ways to tell.
1- Check on the website here for the city of Los Angeles under LADBS – search the Parcel Profile Report link and enter the property address. Click on the blue link when the address comes up, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there it will show if the earthquake valve is permitted or not.
All earthquake shut off valves that are existing and noted on the city of LA website are considered ‘to code’. But not all earthquake valves that are ‘to code’ are listed on the website for the city of Los Angeles.

2- Send us a picture and we should be able to tell. Email us a photo of it to
3- Call a local plumber and they will be able to tell, and if need be, pull a city of LA permit for you.
Not in the city of LA? The same State plumbing codes apply, and best to call us and we will check for free for you.
That’s it! If you have any questions, please leave your question or comments in the comment box below.